Co-Create! – Co-creation of curricula, tools and educational scenarios for building soft competences for personal development and employability
Science Centre AHHAA in Tartu, Estonia
17-19 September 2018
The conference “Co-Create!” aims at presenting case studies, experiences and theoretical reflections related to the need of adopting participatory processes engaging schools, scientists and other societal actors as co-producers of curricula and educational scenarios. The conference is built around the organizers’ experiences within Erasmus Plus projects, in particular, DIYPES – Do It Yourself! A participative approach to increase participation and engagement of high school students in Physical Education and Sport classes. DIYPES final aim is to develop scenarios and examples of good practice in regards to models for building innovative participatory approaches to Physical Education and Sport classes at a European level. Participation and involvement of other international projects, in particular, Erasmus Plus projects with educational purposes, is welcomed in order to get a broad exchange of views (among them, for instance, DESCI – Developing and Evaluating Skills for Creativity and Innovation, aimed at promoting alternating training paths based on the Living Lab approach, adopting participatory design methodologies to connect school, enterprise, research and territory) (lire la suite ici).
Site du colloque : cliquer ici.